
Information Center
The Chamber is the friendly voice of the county on the phone, social media and our website. The Chamber serves as an information center for visitors, newcomers and locals. The Chamber also serves as a referral center, guiding people to member businesses that can meet their needs.
Public Events
The Chamber is the leading supporter of many community events, including the local Farmer’s Market, the Red Hills Festival on Memorial Day weekend, the Fourth of July Parade and Fireworks Celebration at Lake Tiak O’Khata, the Veteran’s Day Program and the Christmas Parade. All of these events build community spirit and draw visitors to our county.

Business Promotion
The Chamber of Commerce promotes its members’ businesses through:
- Chamber quarterly e-newsletter
- Chamber website
- Chamber social media
Promotion activities for new or expanding businesses:
- ribbon cuttings featured in the local media and social media
- e-mail blasts announcing upcoming sales or promotions
- an article in the Chamber newsletter
- promotions that increase traffic and revenue in retail businesses

Learning and Networking
The Chamber of Commerce helps business leaders learn new skills, keep up with current trends, and interact with each other by:
- providing Lunch and Learn meetings on business topics
- creating network opportunities such as Business After Hours
- providing guidance for entrepreneurs starting or expanding business