Historic Sites

Nanih Waiya Historical Site
The park site is the legendary birthplace of the Choctaw Indian nation and the site of their sacred mound, Nanih Waiya.

Historic District in Louisville
The historic district includes Park Street and Columbus Avenue, which are lined with beautiful antebellum homes built in the mid-1800s.

Winston County Economic Development District Partnership House
The historic building was built in 1851 and was originally used as the Masonic Hall. Wings were added in the late 1800’s when the hall was used as Louisville Normal School. The building currently houses the Winston Partnership which includes the Louisville/Winston County Chamber of Commerce.

Strand Theatre
The historic theater in Downtown Louisville was constructed in 1923. The Strand hosts Grammy Award winner Carl Jackson’s Home for Christmas Concert each year. Currently, the theater is being fully renovated to provide a state of the art facility for arts and drama.